
Les Ateliers Ouverts logo, 6 colored hands supporting the planet earth LES ATELIERS OUVERTS

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Welcome to the website of the association "Les Ateliers Ouverts"!

On this page, you will find our latest activities and news.
Go to the "Workshops" section for more information about our workshops.
In the "Projects" section, you will find details about the projects we are working on and our needs. Please note that they are categorized by country.
The "Partners" section showcases the companies that support us.
Lastly, visit the "Donations" section to learn how you can help us, and if you feel inclined, make a donation.
Thank you and enjoy your visit!

The latest news


Les Ateliers Ouverts ont débarqué au Rwanda/ Les Ateliers Ouverts have landed in RWANDA

L'Association Les Ateliers Ouverts est heureuse de vous annoncer son arrivée au RWANDA

The Association Les Ateliers Ouverts is pleased to announce its arrival in RWANDA

Umuryango Les Ateliers Ouverts unejejwe no kubamenyesha itangira ry'imirimo yawo mu RWANDA

Publié le 09 July 2023


Introduction to fruit tree cultivation workshop à

Kamonyi District Rwanda

WHY CREATE FRUIT TREE WORKSHOPS IN RWANDA? Populations have been turning away from
Lire la suite >>