
Les Ateliers Ouverts logo, 6 colored hands supporting the planet earth LES ATELIERS OUVERTS

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Who are we?

"Les Ateliers Ouverts" is a French non-profit association under the 1901 law, offering open workshops to everyone to support communities in discovering subjects such as computer science, sustainable development, and more.
Our core values include:

dignity equality sharingDIGNITY EQUALITY SHARING

Promoting knowledge through hands-on experience and international cooperation, our association brings together individuals from different backgrounds and social classes who are committed to the social and economic development of their region. The abilities and talents of each association member will be utilized to offer various workshops, including:

  • Didactic and educational workshops - assisting with literacy, mathematics, logic, and community living through board games,
  • Computer workshops - discovering the functioning of a computer, the web, the internet, and digital printing,
  • Workshops focused on sustainable development and renewable energies - access to and management of clean water, natural resources, and self-sufficient renewable energies in rural areas,
  • Professionalization workshops - carpentry, culinary arts, sewing, masonry, etc.

However, this list is not exhaustive as workshops are created based on the demands and needs of the population and/or local communities, contributing to the overall quality of life for all.

Our Mission

The Association operates in rural, isolated, and underprivileged areas by establishing and sustaining workshops that address the lack of human and/or material resources. By placing these populations at the center of the learning process, they can gain access to new knowledge and skills. The workshops are tailored to the age of the audience, starting from 3 years old and with no age limits. Our mission addresses societal challenges, citizen participation, and public action through the involvement of independent individuals who come together to conceive and collectively administer a visionary and innovative project.

The Concept

"Les Ateliers Ouverts" adopts the idea of MIT and its concept of open fabrication laboratories called "fablabs." The public visits these fablabs to create various objects, prototype, learn, and access professional knowledge and tools that are typically limited in terms of cost and lack of training. While many fablabs worldwide focus on digital fabrication, requiring a certain level of existing knowledge from the targeted population, "Les Ateliers Ouverts" are accessible to everyone, regardless of their domain-specific knowledge.
The association serves as a third place that creates workshops based on the age, knowledge level of the population, and their needs, while stimulating innovation processes through collective intelligence, experimentation, and prototyping.
The association is committed to adapting its training programs to accommodate individuals who desire to acquire knowledge.

"Les Ateliers Ouverts" is:

An ideaA place for sharing ideas and projects.

A contextA context for learning and exchange.

A solutionA resource to address local issues.

A resourceA community of resources and skills.

A space for makingA space for making almost anything.

A networkA network for social and digital innovation.

Why Create Workshops?

Our world is evolving rapidly. Technologies considered modern today will be obsolete tomorrow. Neither individuals, nor the state, nor local communities can cope with such rapid change without external support.

Contemporary society demands increasing skills and specialization. However, without training and a proper structure, economic growth cannot be achieved.

Even in the most challenging conditions, children have a thirst for knowledge, and by providing them access to educational and didactic workshops, they will have all the tools they need to develop their full potential. For teenagers searching for their path, engaging in various experiments across different fields will enable them to choose their profession more easily. Adults in need of training to be competitive in the job market or seeking a career change may find the necessary means for their future projects within "Les Ateliers Ouverts."