
Logo Les Ateliers Ouverts, 6 colored hands supporting the planet Earth LES ATELIERS OUVERTS (Rwanda) Flag of Rwanda, horizontal blue, yellow, green stripes with a sun in the top right

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Welcome to the page of Les Ateliers Ouverts Rwanda association!

The Les Ateliers Ouverts association registered its Rwandan branch in Rwanda on April 4, 2023, as an international NGO.

Here you will find all the latest news regarding Les Ateliers Ouverts (Rwanda).
On the Workshops (Rwanda) page, you can discover the ongoing workshops in Rwanda and stay updated on their progress.
Currently, a workshop focusing on fruit tree planting is underway in Rwanda. You can find the project specifications here: Introduction to Fruit Arboriculture Workshop.

Two other workshops are currently being planned:
1 workshop introducing the art of composting.
1 workshop introducing fruit and vegetable preservation.
If you feel compelled, you can make a donation to support the workshops in Rwanda

The latest news


Les Ateliers Ouverts ont débarqué au Rwanda/ Les Ateliers Ouverts have landed in RWANDA

L'Association Les Ateliers Ouverts est heureuse de vous annoncer son arrivée au RWANDA

The Association Les Ateliers Ouverts is pleased to announce its arrival in RWANDA

Umuryango Les Ateliers Ouverts unejejwe no kubamenyesha itangira ry'imirimo yawo mu RWANDA

Publié le 09 July 2023


Kamonyi District Rwanda

WHY CREATE FRUIT TREE WORKSHOPS IN RWANDA? Populations have been turning away from
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